Ingredients & Additives - Acid Regulators

Food Grade Phosphoric Acid Market Size, Market Share and Global Market Analysis Report, 2023 – 2030

October 2023

Ingredients & Additives - Acid Regulators

Food Grade Phosphoric Acid Market Size, Market Share and Global Market Analysis Report, 2023 – 2030

October 2023

Market Overview and Report Coverage

Food grade phosphoric acid refers to phosphoric acid that is suitable for use in food and beverage applications. It is commonly used as an additive in various processed foods and beverages for its preservative and acidifying properties. It is also used in the production of food-grade phosphate salts, which are used as leavening agents and nutritional supplements.

The market for food grade phosphoric acid is expected to witness significant growth in the coming years. The increasing demand for processed and convenience foods, the growing awareness about food safety and quality, and the rising demand for carbonated beverages are some of the key factors driving the growth of this market.

Furthermore, the food grade phosphoric acid market is also benefiting from the increasing popularity of organic and natural food products. Many consumers are now opting for organic and natural food products, which do not contain artificial additives and preservatives. As a result, manufacturers are using food grade phosphoric acid, which is considered safer and more natural compared to other types of phosphoric acid.

The market is also witnessing growth due to the increasing use of food grade phosphoric acid in the production of phosphate salts. These salts are widely used in the food and beverage industry as acidity regulators, emulsifiers, and firming agents. The demand for these salts is expected to increase in the coming years, further propelling the growth of the food grade phosphoric acid market.

Overall, with the increasing demand for processed and convenience foods, the growing popularity of organic and natural food products, and the rising demand for phosphate salts, the future outlook for the food grade phosphoric acid market looks promising. It is projected to grow at a CAGR of % during the forecasted period.

Food Grade Phosphoric Acid refers to a high-quality acid used in the food industry. It is available in different content percentages, such as 85% and 75%. The 85% content variant implies that the acid contains 85% pure phosphoric acid, while the 75% content variant contains 75% pure phosphoric acid. These different content percentages allow manufacturers to choose the variant that best suits their specific needs. Additionally, there may be other market variants available in varying content percentages, ensuring a wider range of options for different food processing applications.

Food grade phosphoric acid is commonly used as a food additive, primarily for its acidity-regulating properties, as it helps to enhance the tartness and tanginess in various food products. It is also used in the production of fragrances, as it helps to create certain scents and tastes. In the beverage industry, it is used as an acidulant for sodas, energy drinks, and flavored waters. Additionally, it finds application in the bakery sector for adjusting pH levels in dough and for enhancing yeast performance. Furthermore, food grade phosphoric acid has several other applications across different markets.


What are the Emerging Trends in the Global Food Grade Phosphoric Acid market?

The global food-grade phosphoric acid market is witnessing several emerging trends. Firstly, the increasing consumer demand for organic and natural food products is driving the market growth. Secondly, there is a growing focus on sustainable and environmentally friendly food production practices, leading to the adoption of phosphoric acid as a safer and more sustainable alternative to other food additives. Additionally, the rising prevalence of health-conscious consumers has led to the development of low-sugar and low-calorie food and beverage products, further boosting the demand for food-grade phosphoric acid. Lastly, technological advancements in the production process and ingredient formulation are also contributing to market growth.

Major Market Players

The food grade phosphoric acid market is dominated by several key players, including The Mosaic Company, Capital Success Phos-Chemical, Guizhou U-Share Materials, Agrema Poland, Nutrien, Yuntianhua International Chemical, ICL Food Specialties, Israel Chemicals, and Wengfu. Each company plays an integral role in meeting the growing demand for food grade phosphoric acid, which is widely used in the food and beverage industry as an acidulant, flavor enhancer, and nutrient source.

The Mosaic Company is one of the leading players in the food grade phosphoric acid market. It is a global agricultural company that produces and markets phosphate and potash fertilizers. The company's history dates back to 2004 when it was formed through the merger of IMC Global and Cargill's crop nutrition division. The Mosaic Company has experienced steady growth over the years, expanding its production capacity and increasing its market share.

Another significant player is Nutrien, a Canadian company that specializes in the production and distribution of crop nutrients and industrial products. Nutrien was established in 2018 through the merger of Potash Corporation of Saskatchewan and Agrium, two major players in the agricultural industry. The company has a strong presence in the food grade phosphoric acid market and has witnessed substantial market growth due to its extensive product portfolio and focus on innovation.

ICL Food Specialties, a subsidiary of Israel Chemicals, is also worth mentioning. ICL Food Specialties is a global leader in specialty food ingredients, including food grade phosphoric acid. The company has a rich history dating back to 1968, when it was established as a division of Israel Chemicals Ltd. Since then, ICL Food Specialties has expanded its operations worldwide and built a strong customer base through its high-quality and innovative food ingredients.

While specific sales revenue figures for these companies are not available, it is estimated that the food grade phosphoric acid market was valued at around $ billion in 2020, with a projected CAGR of % from 2021 to 2027. This growth can be attributed to the increasing demand for processed and convenience foods, which rely heavily on food grade phosphoric acid as a pH regulator, acidulant, and preservative.

In conclusion, the food grade phosphoric acid market is highly competitive, with several key players driving its growth. The Mosaic Company, Nutrien, and ICL Food Specialties are some of the prominent companies in this market, with a strong track record of market expansion and product innovation. As food consumption patterns continue to evolve, these companies are likely to play a crucial role in meeting the increasing demand for food grade phosphoric acid.